Our Story

Meet Our Founder

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As an innovative, Midwestern woman with an entrepreneurial spirit, creating products which mirror people’s lives and accomplishments stir my ambition. My visionary path has always found enjoyment in thumbing through Magazine pages focused upon Fashion, Art, Travel and Culinary Cuisine. Models preview the latest style; paintings depict interpretation of color; inviting destinations lure tourists to visit; recipes offer better selections for the dinner table. Another major factor which makes these publications so ready to renew – Total Quality. The story, design, layout, text, material, workmanship join to make one masterpiece.

As a perpetual “magazine junkie” and Founder of the Applicables products our company adheres to the very same guidelines. Our sole mission is to make you shine! We understand your initial rendering or logo sometimes begins as a sketch on scratch paper. In other situations, the specifications are given, and we duplicate.

Whatever scenario, our talented staff transforms your designs, places them in proper file formats, partners with state-of-the-art printers, and delivers a finished product which exceeds expectations.

We look forward to becoming a part of your organization. Email questions, request a quote, visit our 3rd party platforms, and follow us on social media.

 Our History

Our company originally began as one which designed, marketed, and sold custom curbside mailboxes. This distinctive mailbox on a post provided prominent identification for one’s place of residence. Following the tragic event of 9/11/2001 we wanted to add a patriotic item. Experimenting with magnetic material and cutting it to fit the shape of a curbside metal mailbox DOOR, this invention gave birth to the Applicables / US Flag Mailbox Door Cover. Declaring patriotism on the one household item which numbers 44 million, according to the US Postal Service serves a large audience!

Subsequent designs have followed reflecting seasons, sports, schools making them interchangeable! In recent years our company expanded product assortment to include the “all purpose” magnet and decal. These new additions increase placement options to include the vehicle, laptop, refrigerator.

We invite each and everyone one of you to explore our Applicables products.
